In an unexpected twist, the German government recently placed Kenyan TikTok sensation Nyako Pilot under the tax limelight. The government demanded that she declare the gifts received through the popular social media platform. Nyako, known for her bold and unfiltered content, revealed the ultimatum in a recent video where she displayed a clause from the demand letter.

“I’ve been given till November 30 to declare TikTok gifts to the (German) Government. How much gifts do I get? Another letter requires that I write how much I earn on TikTok everyday. From Monday to Sunday. This is a government letter that I have to send back.”

Nyako said while holding up a clause of the demand letter to the screen.

Women Rep Intentions

Nyako also recently announced her intention to vie for Nairobi Women Representative position. She expressed a dedication to earn votes through hard work. And addressing the needs of the people to make a positive impact on the city.

“We shall not buy votes, but will work for that kura (votes). And we are gonna work for it. We are going to be the change that Nairobi needs.”

She said.

Live with Raila Odinga

In perhaps a political move, Nyako paid her allegiance to Kenyan Opposition Leader Raila Odinga. In their November 3, 2023 meeting, the two went live on TikTok.

“Hello Kenyans. (It’s) Baba, talking to you people, are you guys okay? I’m here with a lady who has come from Germany, who tells me that she’s a TikTok champion and that I need to talk to the audience of TikTok,”

He said.
Nyako and Raila

The Azimio party leader expressed his enthusiasm for TikTok. He extended a warm welcome to its community.

“I love TikTok and I love you people. I’m very happy to make your acquaintance and I hope we shall walk together. Together, we shall succeed. We shall overcome. Aluta continua!”

Raila said.

Raila expressed his appreciation for the TikTok community. And he encouraged the people of Kenya to embrace and sustain their creativity.

Said Hi to the TikTok community, and I’ve noticed that the content there is truly insightful. Thank you, nyako_pilot1 for the medium. I encourage Kenyans to continue being creative and dynamic,”

He added.

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10 months ago

Nyako seems very shrewd

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