In a shocking turn of events, Lucy Boke, a student at Kisii Polytechnic College, met a tragic end. She met her untimely demise at the hands of her estranged boyfriend, Stephen Sirengo. The 22-year old beauty student also shared a nine-month-old child with Sirengo. Unraveling this puzzle reveals the shadows of domestic disputes and family secrets, overshadowing Lucy’s once-promising future.
Deadbeat and Family Ties
Lucy Boke’s life came to a devastating end at the hands of someone she once trusted. She rejected Sirengo, based on their family ties. This emerged as a crucial factor in the tragedy. According to Ngwen Mtatiro, Boke’s uncle, the suspect’s inability to cope with her rejection triggered the violence.
“The family of that man have close ties with our family, and we are the ones who actually barred their marriage, and the girl also refused. The man could not take it when our daughter rejected him. That is why he went to murder her,”
Ngwen Mtatiro said.
Additionally, Boke accused him of neglecting their child. In a Citizen TV interview, her close friend, Mary Akinyi, disclosed that Lucy confronted Sirengo, for being a deadbeat.
“There was a day she told me that her boyfriend did not want to look after their 9-month-old child and that is why she wanted a breakup,” Akinyi shared with Citizen TV.
The Murder
On the fateful day, Sirengo traveled from Isebania to Kisii. He than allegedly stabbed Lucy to death after a heated argument. During the violent act, Sirengo locked the door to Boke’s rented house.
“When they were walking from school, he trailed her even as the rains pounded. He refused to leave and later forced her into the house where she started beating her,”.
Akinyi told Citizen TV.
Well-wishers had to break down the door to rescue Boke but by then, it was too late. The enraged mob confronted Sirengo, beating him mercilessly. But, the police arrived and saved him from the hands of the mob.
“When we arrived, we found that the lady had been killed by the boyfriend; it is also emerging that the man is an ex-boyfriend. We found the lady’s body on the floor,”
A police officer stated.
Lucy’s family is devastated, struggling to come to terms with the brutal killing of their promising daughter.