How to subscribe to BNN PREMIUM on Telegram, a Media & Entertainment company by Edgar Obare.

If you want to pay for BNN PREMIUM with a Card 💳 or Paypal 🅿️, the process is fairly simple and automated as shown in the video below.

If you want to pay for BNN PREMIUM with M-PESA 💶, please follow the instructions below to subscribe to BNN PREMIUM for exclusive tea ☕️.



  • Please pick any of our affordable subscriptions on our telegram bot 🤖 .
  • Please check you have the correct plan and enter your M-PESA phone number 🔢.
  • The bot will send you an STK push to your device 📲 with the amount 💵 to be deducted, please authorize the transaction ✅.
  • After successful payment the bot 🤖 will send you instructions within the chat 💬 including the link 🔗 to activate your subscription.
  • If you experience any issues 🛑 with M-PESA, retry 🔂 the payment or try again later.
  • For any other questions, you can contact 💬 our support team 👤 on telegram @BNNSUPPORTBOT.
How to subscribe to BNN PREMIUM