Content creator Koku Lwanga never shied away from discussing parenthood. And this time is no different. The mother-of-three openly shared that all her kids resulted from surprise pregnancies. Consequently, she and her partner, actor Daddie Marto, are considering permanent birth control methods. With the latter considering vasectomy and Lwanga contemplating tubal ligation.

“None of my kids are planned. Even my first born. All my kids are oops babies. Am really done this time. He has considered vasectomy I have considered tubal ligation but we are still on the fence.”

She said.
Koku Lwanga

The Three Surprise Pregnancies

Daddie Marto and Koku Lwanga

The couple welcomed their firstborn son while dating. And their second arrived on August 25, 2021. Koku disclosed that they conceived without taking precautions.

“For the second child, I had recently stopped using birth control, specifically the copper coil, and was on a break. Surprisingly, a month later, I found out I was pregnant.”

Koku Lwanga shared.

Surprisingly, the couple conceived the third child while on birth control. The little one made a unique entrance into the world on May 12, 2023. Koku Lwanga delivered in a car while enroute to the hospital.

Koku Lwanga and Daddie Marto

However, the celebrity couple embraced parenthood in stride. The actor coined the term “destiny kids” for their little ones. Additionally, parenting inspired the creation of their brand, ManaPaTau, centered around their family.

“Our kids have been destiny kids, we need to take destiny into our own hands.”

The Sue na Jonnie actor proudly stated.

Why Consider Vasectomy and Tubal Ligation?

Koku Lwanga

The couple of content creators is financially stable. Yet, economic uncertainties led them to intentionally limit their family size to three children.

“My husband (Daddie Marto) is doing well. But given this economy, let us stick to only raising the three we have.”

The mother-of-three said.

Furthermore, Koku Lwanga cited personal and professional aspirations for considering sterilization. She expressed a desire to focus on her own growth and development. And including returning to school and building her brand.

“The petition I would give God because I believe He gave me these children is I have things to do- go back to school and build my brand.”

She stated.

Still Undecided

Despite their openness to the idea, they couple are undecided. They celebrity couple recognized that a permanent body procedure requires careful consideration. Koki Lwanga noted that when the day comes for either procedure, it will be the result of thoughtful contemplation rather than a hasty decision.

“A permanent body procedure is not something you just do. it requires careful consideration. The day we do either (vasectomy or tubal ligation), it will be something we have thought about.”

Koku Lwanga


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